4th Sunday of Easter

This Sunday, the second reading will be from Link
1 Jn 3:1-2. I’d suggest reading
2:28-3:3, for context, and the
other readings for this week. It’s lectionary #50, if you’re looking at a hard copy.
So, between all of the readings for this week, we read that Jesus is the cornerstone rejected by the builders, and the good shepherd, and that we are the children of God - he is our Father.
In seeing things about God, we are also shown things about ourselves. If Jesus is the cornerstone, then we are the stones of the building; if Jesus is the Good Shepherd, then we are the sheep; if God is our Father, then we might all be called his children.
So, we have a lot of analogies this week for who God is, and by extension who we are in relation to him.
Contemplating God and our relationship to him is an area in which we need good analogies, because the mere existence of a relationship here is hard to really wrap your head around.